Online Teaching Techniques
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sábado, 24 de abril de 2010
sábado, 17 de abril de 2010
Processos Pedagógicos em E-Learning
An annotated bibliography on Online Teaching Techniques:
1- The Online Teaching System
This edition of DEOSNEWS, behind an article by Morten Flate Paulsen based on his doctoral thesis which focuses on teaching techniques of computer-mediated communication.This article provides a theoretical framework for online learning systems that identifies the elements of importance to the process of online learning and explains how they are related. Author's thesis is that the designers of the course and teachers should be able to provide a better online education through the application of all these elements together into a holistic system.
2- The Role of Teacher in Educational Contexts Online: Problems and potentialities
This document presents Professor Lina Morgado models of online learning and the relationship between technology and pedagogy. The author points out that technological innovation in education has been marked inHowever, successive failures, and several factors have contributed tothis failure. Among them, highlights the lack of clear identification of the objectives ofuse of new technologies, the emphasis in the middle and not on the content andresistance to inevitable change. Such an education that integrates the computer in itsstructure of education or virtual sets, see your success depend not only ontechnological innovation in the field, but above all of factors from a teachingand organizational
3 - Web 2.0 Manual for Teachers ( Ana Amelia Carvalho)
I consider this document an indispensable reading for those who will work with online education, after all, the web is to be treated as a platform on which everything is easily accessible.This material in each chapter, the background is made of each tool, explains how to create an online space and approaches to their use in educational practices.
1- The Online Teaching System
This edition of DEOSNEWS, behind an article by Morten Flate Paulsen based on his doctoral thesis which focuses on teaching techniques of computer-mediated communication.This article provides a theoretical framework for online learning systems that identifies the elements of importance to the process of online learning and explains how they are related. Author's thesis is that the designers of the course and teachers should be able to provide a better online education through the application of all these elements together into a holistic system.
2- The Role of Teacher in Educational Contexts Online: Problems and potentialities
This document presents Professor Lina Morgado models of online learning and the relationship between technology and pedagogy. The author points out that technological innovation in education has been marked inHowever, successive failures, and several factors have contributed tothis failure. Among them, highlights the lack of clear identification of the objectives ofuse of new technologies, the emphasis in the middle and not on the content andresistance to inevitable change. Such an education that integrates the computer in itsstructure of education or virtual sets, see your success depend not only ontechnological innovation in the field, but above all of factors from a teachingand organizational
3 - Web 2.0 Manual for Teachers ( Ana Amelia Carvalho)
I consider this document an indispensable reading for those who will work with online education, after all, the web is to be treated as a platform on which everything is easily accessible.This material in each chapter, the background is made of each tool, explains how to create an online space and approaches to their use in educational practices.
quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010
O desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais e a profusão das redes interativas, colocam a humanidade diante de um caminho sem volta. As práticas, atitudes, modos de pensamento e valores estão, cada vez mais, sendo condicionados pelo novo espaço de comunicação que surge da interconexão mundial dos computadores: o ciberespaço, que indica claramente a abertura de um espaço de comunicação qualitativamente diferente daqueles que conhecíamos. Poderíamos então afirmar, inicialmente, de forma muito simplista que o termo cibercultura abrange os fenômenos relacionados ao ciberespaço, ou seja, os fenômenos associados às formas de comunicação mediadas por computadores. Sendo assim a Cibercultura é a forma sociocultural que advém de uma relação de trocas entre a sociedade, a cultura e as novas tecnologias.
Lévy, em seu livro Cibercultura sustenta a tese de que : “a emergência do ciberespaço é fruto de um verdadeiro movimento social, com seu grupo líder (a juventude metropolitana escolarizada), suas palavras de ordem (interconexão, criação de comunidades virtuais, inteligência coletiva) e suas aspirações coerentes.”
A interconexão é uma das pulsões mais fortes na origem do ciberespaço.Para cibercultura , a conexão é sempre preferível ao isolamento. A conexão é um bem em si.
A cibercultura expressa a mutação da própria essência da cultura. De acordo com a tese de Lévy a chave da cultura do futuro é o conceito de universal de totalidade. Nessa preposição, “o universal” significa a presença virtual da humanidade para si mesma. Com o advento do ciberespaço, o compartilhamento de memória permite aumentar o potencial da inteligência coletiva. O saber, agora codificado em bases de dados acessíveis on-line, é um fluxo caótico. Daí, segundo ele, a necessidade de repensar a função da escola e dos sistemas de aprendizagem e avaliação. Nesse sentido, critica o fato de o diploma ser o único método de reconhecimento da aprendizagem e aprova a integração de sistemas de educação “presencial” e à distância. Por fim, propõe um método informatizado de gerenciamento global de competências, que inclui tanto os conhecimentos especializados e teóricos, quanto os saberes básicos e práticos
Nesta sociedade cada indíviduo ou grupo pode administrar de acordo com seus interesses e escolhas como deseja fazer uso do ciberespaço e de suas ramificações.
Para ilustrar o que foi desenvolvido até agora a respeito dos conceitos de apresentados na obra de Lévy, podemos citar os seguintes exemplos: Moodle (ambiente virtual de aprendizagem), Second Life e blogs.
Processos Pedagógicos em E-Learning - Uni1 - Task 4
I and Tercilia we chose to hold together the questions Professor: Glaucia da Silva Brito, Master of Technology, Ph.D. in Linguistics, a professor at the Federal University of Paraná and one of the components of the group responsible for the implementation of the Open University of Brazil. Today operates on the following subjects: communication and technology, IT in education, teacher and information technology and communication, distance education and teacher education, digital inclusion.
Author of books: "Producing texts with" old "and" new technologies "and" Education and New Technologies: A rethink.
1. As a participant of the team for implementation of the Open University of Brazil was seen as the issue of freedom of rhythm and time of each student (with an Open University) in this project?
As a participant of the team for implementation of the AU in Brazil was seen as the issue of freedom of rhythm and time of each student (with an Open University) in this project?
In the projects of the courses within the UAB are set timelines in which it determines the performance of scheduled activities, exams and defenses face face of term papers or papers of completion.
The pace and timing of each student is given on schedule, if there is freedom of rhythm and time do not know how to give an opinion at this time.
2. How to promote cooperative and collaborative learning in virtual learning environments valuing individual freedom and still meeting the requirements of a pedagogical and methodological college?
How to promote cooperative and collaborative learning in virtual learning environments valuing individual freedom and still meeting the requirements of a pedagogical and methodological college?
I consider that to be a "true" cooperative and collaborative learning will have to invest in training teachers and teacher-tutors who must "live" * the virtual learning environment knowing that each student enrolled in this course, you can then appreciate the individual freedom each student within the requirements laid down in the projects of the courses.
* sobre esta classificação ver a tese de doutorado> SCHERER, Suely. UMA ESTÉTICA POSSÍVEL PARA A EDUCAÇÃO BIMODAL: APRENDIZAGEM E COMUNICAÇÃO EM AMBIENTES PRESENCIAIS E VIRTUAIS, Ano de Obtenção: 2005. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, PUC/SP, Brasil.
We ask permission of the author for publication on this blog
I and Tercilia we chose to hold together the questions Professor: Glaucia da Silva Brito, Master of Technology, Ph.D. in Linguistics, a professor at the Federal University of Paraná and one of the components of the group responsible for the implementation of the Open University of Brazil. Today operates on the following subjects: communication and technology, IT in education, teacher and information technology and communication, distance education and teacher education, digital inclusion.
Author of books: "Producing texts with" old "and" new technologies "and" Education and New Technologies: A rethink.
1. As a participant of the team for implementation of the Open University of Brazil was seen as the issue of freedom of rhythm and time of each student (with an Open University) in this project?
As a participant of the team for implementation of the AU in Brazil was seen as the issue of freedom of rhythm and time of each student (with an Open University) in this project?
In the projects of the courses within the UAB are set timelines in which it determines the performance of scheduled activities, exams and defenses face face of term papers or papers of completion.
The pace and timing of each student is given on schedule, if there is freedom of rhythm and time do not know how to give an opinion at this time.
2. How to promote cooperative and collaborative learning in virtual learning environments valuing individual freedom and still meeting the requirements of a pedagogical and methodological college?
How to promote cooperative and collaborative learning in virtual learning environments valuing individual freedom and still meeting the requirements of a pedagogical and methodological college?
I consider that to be a "true" cooperative and collaborative learning will have to invest in training teachers and teacher-tutors who must "live" * the virtual learning environment knowing that each student enrolled in this course, you can then appreciate the individual freedom each student within the requirements laid down in the projects of the courses.
* sobre esta classificação ver a tese de doutorado> SCHERER, Suely. UMA ESTÉTICA POSSÍVEL PARA A EDUCAÇÃO BIMODAL: APRENDIZAGEM E COMUNICAÇÃO EM AMBIENTES PRESENCIAIS E VIRTUAIS, Ano de Obtenção: 2005. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, PUC/SP, Brasil.
We ask permission of the author for publication on this blog
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